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Nombre del gato

Barbie, FOF IMG_2781.JPG
Barbie, FOF IMG_8224-Edit.JPG

Meet Barbie, the 3-year-old feline fashionista in need of a forever home! This gorgeous girl was in a tailspin when her previous family moved away without her, but fear not because Barbie's story is far from over.

Rescued by a caring neighbor who recognized her star quality, Barbie is now looking for a new stage to strut her stuff. She's a true people's cat, always up for a snuggle session and ready to show off her signature move: the cheek rub! Seriously, this girl knows how to work those whiskers. She'll nuzzle right up to you, begging for more love and attention.

Now, Barbie isn't one for sharing the spotlight. She's made it abundantly clear that she's the leading lady and prefers to keep it that way. Other cats? Not her scene. That's why she's feeling a bit out of sorts in her current boarding situation. She craves a cozy foster or forever home where she can be the reigning queen of cuddles without any furry competition.

If you're ready to add a touch of glamour to your life and give Barbie the star treatment she deserves, please submit the online adoption application


[Tenga en cuenta que solo adoptamos hogares en la parte baja del condado de Fairfield y las cercanías de Nueva York.]

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